Sacred Valley – VIP

Our SACRED VALLEY VIP TOUR 1 day we do it every day you can contemplate the relaxed and incomparably beautiful, and hidden under the lioness skirts of the Cordillera of the formidable foothills, home to the attractive colonial cities, isolated knitting village, the Urubamba River , huge Inca agricultural terrace, and ancient Inca temples.


We pick-up from your hotel at 06:40 am approx. We begin with our trip to the picturesque town of Chinchero famous for its fabrics, where the remains of the royal hacienda of Túpac Inca Yupanqui are located with its well-preserved Inca Wall in the main square and visit the beautiful colonial temple with interesting frescoes in the porch, built on the bases of an Inca building.

Then we go to the archaeological zone of Moray. These are gigantic natural depressions of circular shape that were used to build agricultural terraces with their respective irrigation channels.
What attracts attention is the temperature difference in each terrace level that generates microclimates that can differentiate up to 20 different climates, in them the Incas could domesticate wild plants and cultivate species that do not naturally grow in Cusco.

Then we will go to the Salineras located 7 km from Moray, we will pass through the typical town called Maras where the famous salt mines known by some as “salt mines” are found during the dry season they fill or “water” every 3 days with salt water emanating from a natural spring located at the top of the wells so that when the salt evaporates, it gradually solidifies. This process will continue for approximately one month until a considerable volume of solid salt is obtained.

Then we will continue the trip to Urubamba where we will enjoy a delicious buffet lunch.
Then we will go to the famous Living Inca Village of Ollantaytambo where we will visit the beautiful fortress that bears the same name. Here we go through the most important sectors and our guide will give us an explanation about this place.

On the way back we will visit Pisaq with impressive constructions built in the period of the rise of the Inca Empire, here we can observe the great work achieved by the Incas through the construction of immense agricultural terraces that adorn all the mountains around it and fine buildings inhabited by the Inca nobility.

Here we will visit the picturesque typical craft market of Pisaq, for those who wish to buy souvenirs this place is one of the best places to do it, since there are many variety of articles of alpaca wool, silver jewelry, gold and among others.

After enjoying this wonderful tour throughout the day we will be back to the city of Cusco.

  • Transportation.
  • bilingual guide.

Not Included:
  • The entrance tickets to the Archeological Sites
  • Entrace to Maras
  • Lunch
You must bring warm clothes and rain wear.
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