4 Lagoons Tours – Full Day

The Circuit of the Four lagoons is located in the province of Acomayo, in the district of Pomacanchi are these famous lagoons, a distance of 107 km from the city of Cusco (2 hours by car), has created a tourist circuit that allows you to appreciate the four lagoons, this initiative is thanks to the joint effort of about 40 communities in the area, which offer the service of guidance, accommodation and food.

Pomacanchi Lagoon : Located geographically in the districts of Pomacanchi and Acopia, at a distance of 104 Km. from Cusco, at 3679 m.a.s.l., it presents a water mirror of 22.5 Km2, a length of 7.760 Km. and a width of 4.270 ms.

Acopia Lagoon: Lagoon located on the shores of the town of the same name, is small, geographically belongs to the district of the same name.

Laguna de Asnaqocha: Etymologically its name comes from the Quechua “Laguna de mal olor”, for the unpleasant emanations it presents, ‘geographically belongs to the district of Acopla.

Pampamarca Lagoon: At an altitude of 3750 m.a.s.l. It concentrates a great variety of flora and fauna: Two varieties of parihuanas, fish, batrachians, birds, insects, mammals, etc.

The main renewable resources of the area are water, soil, vegetation cover, landscape, biodiversity, as well as flora and fauna.

  • If you suffer from high blood pressure, please let the guide know.
  • You must bring cash to buy the tickets, and passport if you are foreigners and DNI if you are Peruvians.
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