Queswachaca Bridge – Full Day

The last Inca bridge of Q´ueswachaca

With this program we will visit the last Inca bridge "Q´ueswachaca". Everything starts in Cusco, we pick you up early from the hotel to travel by car to the south. During the trip we will observe the Pomacanchi - Urcos and Yanaoca Lagoon, where we will visit the fissure of the same name and a somewhat tiny volcano. This way we will begin our tour to Q'ueswachaka. Arriving at Queswachaca located at 3,600 m.a.s.l. we will have the opportunity to visit its ancestral bridge, which is an iconic example of Inca architecture. The Q´ueswachaca Bridge is built on the majestic Apurimac River, located in the province of Canas; its conservation and traditional reconstruction are executed by the farming communities of Perccaro, Huinchi and Qqewe. The dimension of the bridge is 33 m. long and 1.20 m. wide, the material used is only the braided straw, obtained from the high Puna. After living this experience, we will return to Cusco in the afternoon, but before that we will visit the impressive caves of Ccarañahui or Q'arañahui (3,900 meters above sea level). This is a fantastic cavern of marine sedimentary material; its chemical composition is calcium hypochlorite, which by the constant dripping resulted in the formation of impressive stalagmites and stalactites, resulting in forms of cougar, condor. So some scholars indicate that the Incas came to this place to communicate with the Gods. The grotto is thousands of years old and in the background we can appreciate a mysterious lagoon. Finally we head to Cusco in our private car.


The bridge of "Queswachaca" requires an annual maintenance because the straw (Ichu) used for its construction begins to decompose. The reconstruction takes place 3 days before the second Sunday of the month of June and the 4th day concludes with a folkloric festival, where you can share the traditions and customs that this community inherited from the Incas.

  • If you suffer from high blood pressure, please let the guide know.
  • You must bring cash to buy the tickets, and passport if you are foreigners and DNI if you are Peruvians.
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