Quad Bikes Maras Moray

The Quad biking tour around the sacred Valley begins with the pick you up in your hotel in Cusco to take you one hour by car to our base located in Cruzpata, after a short information about the quads and safety, we will practice 10 minutes, then we start the tour, you will be riding approximately 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours, all around off road, in the way you will find people whom are doing their daily life, we will pass through places where only few people go and where the nature will show you the best you can imagine; every moment, every view will make you feel special, in the route we can also appreciate the archaeological site of Moray (this was a kind of a green house for Incas), also the more than 3000 fountain of salt (SALINERAS) those are exploted until now for the local people and also two lakes (this will depend on which route you decide to go), then we will return to our base where our transportation will be waiting for you to bring you back to Cusco, with no doutb this will be one of the best option for your very nice vacation in Cusco.

  • Briefing in our office a day before (optional).
  • Pick up at your hotel.
  • Transportation Cusco - Cruz Pata - Cusco (private car just for our group).
  • Individuals or dobles Quads (depends on your preference).
  • Safety Helmets and gloves.
  • Bilingual Tour Guide - Instructor (English - español).
  • First Aid Kit.

Not Included:
  • Personal articles.
  • Tips (Optional).
  • Entrance fees to Moray S/ 70 (US$ 25.00) optional, Salineras S/ 10.00 (US$ 3.00).
  • You must bring cash to buy the tickets, and passport if you are foreigners and DNI if you are Peruvians.
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